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Donation and Collaboration

Donation and Financial Support

As a non-profit organization, CAERDA does not generate business income and solely relies on membership dues, conferences registration fees and donation. Unlike many other professional associations, which charge high membership due and conference registration fees, CAERDA keeps these fees at the minimal. Our goal is to make membership affordable and conferences accessible to all people, particularly graduate students and educators in developing countries. This goal and policy makes donation and volunteering support (in any form) critical for the vitality of the Association.

Please make a donation now. You can send us a check to the address below and tell us your name, affiliation, and contact information (optional). Your donations are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. We will send you a receipt upon receipt of your donation check. (We can provide you the Tax ID number if requested). Other forms of financial support are also appreciated. Please contact Aubrey Wang, CAERDA Controller (Email: if you have questions concerning making donation or providing other forms of financial support.


CAERDA needs volunteers for conferences and other events. When we organize conferences in a city, we need volunteers from local communities to help promote the conferences and provide logistics support. If you are interested in volunteering your services, equipment and facilities, please contact us.


As a professional association, CAERDA is continuously seeking opportunities of collaborating with other associations and organizations to promote and advance its goals. The Association is interested in establish collaboration and partnerships with other organizations in education research, development, and dissemination activities. If you are interested in collaborating with CAERDA, please contact us.

Contact Information

Please find contact information by clicking on Contact Us on the top menu or send mail to:
CAERDA, P.O. Box 355, Bloomington, IL 61702-355, USA.